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Qigong for Spring


Spring is a time when the sap is rising, trees are budding leaves and blossoms, shoots are pushing up from the earth and blooming into beautiful flowers. It is usually also a time which brings unsettled weather, swinging between cold and warmer, showers and sunshine.

Our bodies follow the pattern of nature, moving from the deep ‘yin’ state of winter. We need more rest during the long nights and just want to curl up with soup and hot chocolate. Spring is not quite yet the high ‘yang’ of summer, but we are moving towards the energizing longer and warmer days when we feel more like eating salads and spending time outdoors.

Spring can also be unsettling for our bodies. There is the feeling of increased energy and motivation, but also a push and pull as we wonder whether spring has actually arrived yet. The other day I went out on a warm morning without a coat, hat and gloves, but then an icy wind sprang up, it started to drizzle and I got home feeling really chilled.

The ancient Chinese practice of qigong can really help to support us through the changing seasons. Its gentle, flowing movements combined with breath are designed to move qi (life energy) through specific meridians (energy channels in the body).

Spring, in particular, is a time when qi tends to stagnate and get stuck in various parts of the body and meridians. When qi gets stuck in a meridian it is like a traffic jam – the road is blocked. Beyond the jam there are hardly any cars, and behind the block there are so many that everyone gets cross and can’t go where they need to go. It’s just the same in the body – one side of a qi blockage is lacking in energy, while the other side has too much, and neither part can function properly. This can cause physical health issues or unwanted emotional highs and lows – anger, depression, anxiety, and so on.

When we practise qigong, energy is gently encouraged to flow smoothly again, balancing all parts of the body and mind and allowing optimum health and vitality. We feel well, vibrant and calm. It is a great way to harness the energy of spring, so that we can be our best selves and take action to grow our projects (either personal or work-related) into beautiful, healthy trees.



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